Saturday, January 28, 2012

The role of music in my life

r e f l e c t-by *messa-DeviantArt

I don’t think there is a human alive who hasn’t heard some music. Everyone knows what music is and I think everyone has at least some musical talent. Whether you’re a toddler or an old man, you like music. It’s written in the human D.N.A. Music can be relaxing or it can be something that turns your inner demon on, making you dance as hard as you can.
    For me, music is a way to express myself. I play the piano and I like singing too. When I do either of these I get this tingling sensation in my stomach. It slowly spreads throughout my body during the song, making me smile. Music is something that is part of my life, that is my life. It is something I don’t think I can live without.
    Music can be so many things. It can be the few simple notes when a young boy is wistling while being happy, or it can be a whole synphony composed by Mozart. It is something that is around us all the time, though we may not understand it. 
    The role of music in my life, or the role of music in anyones life?
I don’t see much difference. 
It's just there.

 MAY be-by Yiruma

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