Tuesday, May 15, 2012

If I could rewind time

Lost Time-Vanleith-DeviantArt
 Everyone has at least one thing they regret. Maybe it was something as simple as having eaten too much cake or not having studied for an exam, but it can be the regret of not having saved someone from death too.

 We live in a world where there is only the present. We do not have the ability to change the past, nor do we know what lies ahead. But if you had the ability to go back in time, would you dare?

I lost my grandma at the age of ten. She was someone I loved and admired. I spent as much time with her as I possibly could but in the end, she died. She had cancer and she had endured it for five long years. I didn’t know. I first heard of it when she was already bedridden.

The day she died and my mom came home with the news, I felt like my world was shattered. It felt so unreal. How could someone as strong and kind as her die? How could someone I loved so much disappear?

Her coffin was white. Many cried my mom included. Not me. I had cried when I heard the news, but on the day of the funeral my eyes stayed dry. I felt empty and lost and dried of any emotion. It was like falling. I was falling with my eyes closed, my mouth shut and my ears deaf. The fall was harsh, but it stopped.

After awhile I carried on with my life. Now after six years I can think about her with a smile. She was someone so very important to me.

She was my grandmother.

She is my grandmother.

If I could rewind time I would go back to see her. Not necessarily talk to her, not necessarily save her. If I could rewind time I would like to see her smile. 


Long time no see!

Hi there! I'm so sorry for not posting anything in so long, but I warned you didn't I? And after a few posts now, I'm afraid there's going to be another wait for you guys. At least until my summer-vacation. Anyways... I'm gonna post a few of my essays (I made for school) here. Hope you enjoy them and send some feedback! Feedback always makes me write more! XD